I’ll start with a quote from a fantastic thrower and individual I had the pleasure of meeting, chatting with, and throwing with, Ms. Carol Finsrud. She says, “Live Strong, Throw Far, and Die Old.” If you know, you know.

I spent this past weekend in Lisle, IL, to participate in the 14th USA Masters Throws Championships, Throws Pentathlon. These events allow me to meet new track family and see familiar track family faces. I’ve never been to a dedicated Throws event. There were throwers from all over the country. This was my first time and I loved it!

Hammer Time

It was also my first time throwing the Hammer (3k) and Weight (16 lbs.). I walked away without incident. Although, I did see a couple of close calls with others. This increased my fear about trying more than I knew. So, I played it safe and did not swing overhead or apply any rotation with those throws. I simply mustered up an inkling of coordination and used what strength I had and threw. I got marks! These two events, along with the other 3 (Shot, Discus, Jav) make up the Pent. I know a little bit of what I am doing with the Shot and the Discus, and am at the beginning stages of learning the Jav. Now, I am curious about the Hammer and Weight. These two events are: to be continued.


My results speak for themselves and I am not dissatisfied; 5th Place and a green ribbon to bring home. I had to scramble to pick a house implement because my discus did not pass inspection (it was 2mm fat). For discus, throwers use a specific rim weight depending upon their distance. I did not have mine. But folks, just like life, we must adapt. It was not my best discus throwing day.

I was pleased that I was able to throw a 9.66m in shot put on my 3rd throw (the exact distance I threw at Nationals). We only got 3 throws, no finals. It took 5 throws at Nationals in Pittsburgh for me to achieve the 9.66m; this time, it took 3, so yay! I also improved in Jav and crossed the 50 feet threshold. Onward from there. Not the 19 meters I was aiming for which I’ve thrown that distance in my front yard a couple times.

Besides the throwing experience, it was the camaraderie among the throwers that leaves my cup and heart full. We’re all there for the same reasons – love, joy, wanting to do our best that day, and we all learn things about ourselves, our throwing, and others. I can see why some Master athletes call this a “track family.” That’s truly the spirit. A sister thrower’s mom was participating in the older age group – so freakin’ cool!

Even if you don’t make the podium, you can certainly admire and be inspired by those who do. It’s always earned and well deserved. I left Saturday’s Throws Pentathlon with a Fifth-Place ribbon; earned and well-deserved.

Banquet Time

I attended the Saturday evening banquet. It was great to see folks outside the ring. We all cleaned up nicely. It was an opportunity to chat a little more than just brief conversations at the throwing events. Snapshots, good food, and awards were also given out. There was prize money for the top point earners and annual awards given to some very special throwers. Awards included –

  • Carol Finsrud Award for Lifetime Achievement as a Masters Thrower
  • Ken Weinbel Award for Contributions to the Throwing Community
  • Tom Gage Masters Male Thrower of the Year
  • Vanessa Hilliard Award for Masters Female Thrower of the Year

Carol Finsrud! I know her! Her throwing was fantastic!

Day 2

Sunday’s events were the Superweight and Ultraweight Throws Championship. I decided to use this day as an observation and learning experience. Since 2 of my daughters who live in Chicago were busy with Lallapalooza, I let the meet organizers know that I was available to volunteer. If anyone thinks that an event such as this goes on without a lot of hands-on deck, I’d throw the red flag up and call foul.

I was assigned as a weight-retriever volunteer for the womens weight throw. I counted 6 USATF officials at the cage. And there were at least 4 other cages with various age groups. That’s a lot of officials. I landed in the W60-W65 age group, and then the W70+ age group (age ranged from 71-85). What a joy to watch these ladies throw 12lbs, 20lbs, 25lbs, 35lbs, 44lbs! Wow! Just Wow! If I had participated in my age group, I would have had to throw 16lbs, 25lbs, 35lbs, 44lbs, and then 56lbs! Uh, nah, I’ll pass.


My inspirational cup was filled from a few perspectives. 1-in awh that these women with varying body frames. I say that cause they were hauling these weights – I bow to them for that. 2-grateful to be helping out in this event; as way to give back and appreciate what it takes from officials and volunteers. 3-hey, I got a very cool t-shirt; believe me with all the lifting of the weights it was earned, and appreciated. As I was watching the 70+ group, I thought about how their strength needed to participate in these events must help them with their balance. Older adult falls is a real thing and I hope that with them being a part of these events, it helps with fall prevention. They rock!

Alone Time

I went solo this weekend for this event. Sometimes Mama needs some alone time; I spent it with over 100 throwers and likely over 40 others including organizers, university grounds, officials, and volunteers. Psst. I even found a piano at the hotel I was staying and got to play on an actual piano! My sheet music was at home and was missed. I played on anyway.

What’s Next?

What’s next? My goal is to properly learn to throw the hammer and weight and participate in another Throws Championship. About the Ultras Pents, not so sure about those. Because I am not strong, I rely on technique and technique can only get you so far in a strength competition. I love the short sprints, hurdles, jumps, and PV as well. I’ll still focus on improving my throws (I’m addicted) but will also make room for sprints and jumps. I can’t spread myself too thin… If I get strong enough, then who knows. The throwers are a great group of people. So are the jumpers. And the sprinters. Well, the whole track family is terrific!



