Redeeming a Movie Review

Credit: Redeeming Love

The BroMan and I went to a movie this afternoon as the Hubs was busy working OT on a work project. I wanted to give him some quiet time AND I wanted to go see the movie Redeeming Love. Typically, I love to read the book first so I can fill in the gaps that the movie does not have enough time to cover. It’s a rich strategy but I would not argue that the book is always better than the movie. It’s all perspective and I love it all. 

For the really good books, I read them, listen to them, and go to the movies to watch them. About 2 weeks ago this movie was mentioned on Fb (Facebook) and I thought “I need to read the book before I go see the movie.” Time and lack of patience did not allow for this to be done before I bought my ticket to the movie. Hey! I really did want to give the Hubs some quiet time (another topic for another time).

I didn’t know I would write about the movie but as per usual, when I really feel something, I want to document it. It gives me a memory and a place to purge all the good, bad, and ugly, so I don’t have to carry it around in my Dung Bag (shameless plug for my pending book; wink, wink).

Rotten Tomatoes

Before I began to formulate my thoughts on the movie, I wanted to “review” a movie review for myself. I’ve written reviews of live stage plays I attended as an assignment for my college theatre class. Yes, at one time in my life I thought I wanted to be an actress. I learned much in that one theater class, although the education stopped there. The reality of paying the bills took center stage and work life prevailed. That dream was put on a shelf for about 25 years when I dusted it off and auditioned for a Market House Theater play, The Underpants. I got the part! Check that item off the bucket list.

Relying on rottentomatoes dot com I searched for Redeeming Love. I believe the movie info listed on the website is pretty accurate. Mind you, I’ve not really looked at rotten tomatoes before, so I was really shocked to see a “splat” on the Tomatometer (10%). Pft… everyone is a critic.

You’ll have to go to that website to see their reviews; in short, I sense a lack of empathy for the main characters. Walk a mile in their shoes. On the other hand, there was a full bag of popcorn for the Audience Score (94%). Yes! Bravo for the Likers! This makes me wonder why a person chooses to go to a specific movie. Do they like the actors? Have they read the book? Are they curious about the story line? Ahhh, that’s it for me. The story line, in addition to the actors and book. I have a question for you: Why do you go see certain movies?

I’ll Get Right to It!

I cried. I cried about 4 times. I swallowed my thoughts. I choked down relational themes and certain other scenes. I was triggered. Triggered at specific moments in the movie.

My review of the movie takes on different perspectives or focuses on various dynamics.  The dad and daughter. The mom and daughter. The treatment of women and girls. The status or class of women (back then and even now) dominated by men. The price of gold. The faith in God. The dismissal of God. Believing in prayer. Survival of friendships in the worst of situations. Survival itself. The death of self. The emotional disconnection. Refusal to be saved. Agreeing to be saved. Running away. The “lack of” self-worth. Running and running. Wanting something better than what you believed you deserved. Withdrawing. Feeling worthy. Accepting Love. TAKE A DEEP BREATH.

Breath in 2-3-4, breath out 6-7-8. I nearly packed up the popcorn as I thought about walking out of the theater mid-movie. Not because of the movie, but because of how much it made me think and feel. I thought about the many years in life when I felt undeserving of love. I felt what she felt when she made certain choices because she felt less than. But I wiped the tears and wiped them again and breathed through it. I wanted the redeeming love ending.

The Ending

You’ll have to “forgive me” because I do not want to spoil the ending for you if you haven’t yet seen the movie. Was it worth the ticket price? Yes, to me it was. Was I pleased with the reaction and emotions I experienced as I watched it? I wouldn’t say I was pleased, but I would say that the scenes and dialogue elicited deep emotion and connection to some of the themes. Mainly, accepting that you are worthy of love. You may not love it (the movie), but it sure is worth seeing if you’d like to step into someone else’s reality and redemption – or rather, Redeeming Love.

I am grateful for the redeeming love I received (full circle back to the Hubs).

Take Good Care.



